Recovery Ventures has a very comprehensive clinical component which makes it very unique among long-term residential treatment programs. We have mandatory core clinical groups 5 nights a week for all associates in the program, along with a number of other specialty groups that associates may participate in as they progress through the program. Individual counseling with any of our licensed/certified clinical staff is also available
Clinical Groups
Associates are provided the opportunity to process and share with their peers about their week, where they are in their recovery journey and any feelings and or emotions they are experiencing.
At Recovery Ventures, spirituality refers to one’s connection to the people and world around them, as well as one’s chosen “Higher Power”. This is not a religious group, but the opportunity to attend outside worship services is available to associates.
Recovery Ventures does not allow any confrontation of any kind between associates. This group provides a safe setting for associates to navigate and address conflict within the community in a healthy manner.
This is a 10-session group designed to help individuals better understand and cope with feelings of anger and aggression. It is based on a structured curriculum that follows a guided workbook.
This is a 10-session group that helps associates to process and cope with grief and loss. Associates do not necessarily have to be mourning the loss of a loved one, it may simply be the loss of a relationship with a family member, or their drug of choice.
Weekly AA & NA meetings are facilitated by senior associates in the program. Associates in the acclimation phase and above are also able to attend AA & NA meetings in the surrounding community as the schedule permits.
This is a weekly group that helps associates learn to laugh and have fun in recovery and connections with their peers without the use of mood-altering substances.
Serious Functions are weekly informative groups that are put on by associates in the program. The topics cover a variety of different issues and the group is designed to not only educate everyone, but also share how the they can relate that topic to their own past life experiences.
A continuum of care that is provided twice a month to all interns and graduates in program housing that helps to develop and implement skills necessary to sustain their recovery independently.
During treatment team, the peer leaders within the community present to the clinical staff progress that their associates are making on their treatment plans, any accountability received from rule infractions and any pertinent information regarding their overall progress.
(Dialectical Behavior Therapy) teaches and informs associates on how to develop four sets of very important skills; Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance.
The focus of this group centers largely on short term goals, such as creating a resume, finding employment, opening a checking account, developing a budget, and continuing to use the tools that will help them create a solid foundation for independent living.
This group is part of the aftercare program and is facilitated by our clinical staff. It is a customized curriculum that is designed to help senior associates and program graduates learn to maintain their long-term recovery going forward.
Family and Group therapy sessions are provided on an individual basis and as requested by the associate and their family.
This group is a multi-day intensive process group that is offered to senior associates.
This group follows a workbook and addresses issue that are specific to women as they go through the recovery process. Examples are sexuality in recovery, mother myths, self-esteem and body image.
Start your day off on a positive note. This group is a quick check-in for newer associates in an effort to get in the habit of talking about your feelings with your peers.
A brief seminar in the middle of the day for associates that are at the facility. The topics are determined by the senior peers that are facilitating each seminar.
Unlike other treatment programs, Recovery Ventures develops treatment plans that are specifically tailored to the individual based on issues recognized by themselves, their peers and clinical staff. As the associate progresses through the program their treatment plan continues to evolve in order to address the specific challenges they each face in recovery.
Horticultural Therapy
Recovery Ventures operates a full-size hydroponic greenhouse and farm that affords our associates another unique form of treatment. Horticulture Therapy is the use of plants and gardening to promote mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual well-being. It integrates knowledge of basic botany with hands-on work in the greenhouses and the farm. As the crops are harvested they are prepared for retail sale to the community. As a result, this program contributes to the self-supporting mission of Recovery Ventures through the income generated by produce sales.
The transition phase is the first phase of the program and usually lasts between 45 to 60 days. During this phase, the associate will become familiar with their surroundings as they begin to develop connections with their peers and learn the rules of the program. There is no contact with family throughout this phase as the focus is on the associate and learning to adjust to a life without drugs or alcohol.
In acclimation, associates will start to receive a larger role in the community as they should have a clear understanding of the structure of program and how it works. In this phase, associates will have the opportunity to earn privileges, while taking on a more active role in assisting their younger peers in the program. Communication with immediate family members may start with letters and limited phone calls each month.
In leadership, associates will really start to gain a greater understanding of their personal issues and individualized treatment plans will focus on developing coping skills to help with them. With staff approval, associates are eligible to have immediate family members come visit for the weekend every other month in leadership. At this point in their program, associates will have several household responsibilities and will begin to really help run the community and mentor their younger peers.
Enrichment is the final phase of primary care and associates will start participating in our aftercare program and their treatment plans will begin to become more tailored to future goals and steps to be taken to reach them. With staff approval, associates are eligible to go on home visits with another peer leader in the program every 60 days. Focus shifts to balancing additional free time and privileges with a great deal of responsibilities within the community.
The last phase of the program is the most critical stage of development as it focuses on preparing for life after residential treatment. After securing their own job at the start of this phase, all associates will move into less structured transitional housing where they will have more space and independence, but will still attend several recovery meetings a week and continue to mentor primary care associates.
It truly transformed my loved one from someone who was self absorbed and manipulative back into who she was before she became an addict. Funny, caring and the biggest hearted person you could ever meet. She now serves the recovery community giving back. There is hope and my love one found it here. Thank you, Recovery Ventures.